also a simple midi to mp3 converter
ponzu: rsync does it inplace?
no just copy
ponzu: rsync won't copy files?
the files are the same with one bit of difference
ponzu: you mean they are the same except one has no.mp3 at the end?
ponzu: so you want a shell script that checks if the file is empty, and if so, just moves it, if not, it just copies it?
basically yes
it checks the modification time of the file and if the file is newer than the one it just copies then it does nothing if not then it copies
but i need that to be clean when i run the command and i need to just copy the files and not worry about the file ending bit
like rsync --dry-run -a /source/files/*.mp3 /dest/dir/
ponzu: right, so you just want a list of files, you want to check the files in /source/ against the files in /dest/?
ponzu: can you pastebin your command line you're actually running?
ponzu: it seems like you want rsync, not an if statement and then copying over the files
i pasted it
ponzu: I think you're trying to do two actions on the same files, and I don't think you're going to get rsync to work like that
i want rsync to run and do the copying and not worry about the ending bit
ponzu: right, rsync would just recursively copy the directory, not your file
ponzu: it sounds like you just want to run something like ls and copy the files?
that's what i want actually nacc
but i cant seem to find something like that
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